Welcome To Deaf Futsal & Football Queensland


Deaf Futsal & Football QLD Conduct Football or Futsal School Clinic & Fun Gala Days.

Working with DSRQ (Deaf Sports Recreation Queensland)  DFFQ host the annual school gala days. These are normally held in Term 2 each year.

DFFQ are proud to conduct sessions at schools however have to follow the Deaf Sports Australia link please: https://deafsports.org.au/home/sporting-schools-program/

If you have any questions or need any help on how to do this please email us at admin@dffq.com.au


This is where many Deaf and Hard of Hearing students love these days of having a Futsal School Gala Day normally held in Term 2 every year.

We also partner hosting the ANNUAL school Futsal gala days with Deaf Sports Australia
(DSA) and Deaf Sports and Recreation Queensland (DSRQ).

Over the past years, we have had over 60 to 80 Deaf and Hard of Hearing students have a great day and make new friendships along the way.

If your school or any students like to participate, please don’t hesitate to email us for further information or keep your eye peeled in the events section.

Upcoming events:

no event


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